About Cornell Data Services

Cornell Data Services is a collaborative, campus-wide organization that assists with creating and implementing data management and sharing plans, applying best practices for managing data, and finding data-related services at any stage of the research process.

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Full day tech symposium: Tools for our changing world

Emerging Tech Dialogues Trust and Data: Tools for our Changing World April 2nd, 9-4pm | Statler Hall or online This free, hybrid event is open to all Cornell-affiliated community members including Ithaca, Weill, and Cornell Tech campus staff, faculty, students, and researchers. See the agenda and register for the full day of panels, topics, and…

Keeping up with federal funder data management and sharing requirements 

Cornell Data Services is monitoring federal policy to provide you with the most up-to-date information throughout the federal transition. The 2022 “Nelson” memo, Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research (PDF) from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), directed federal agencies to update their policies by the end of 2025. However, the recent…

Access to Public Data

Virtual Panel: “Navigating Public Data Access: Challenges, Solutions, and Strategies for Cornell Researchers”     TODAY! February 28th at 2pm | As access to public data rapidly evolves, researchers face new challenges in obtaining, using, and preserving critical datasets. This panel brings together experts in health, development, and population data, along with specialists in archiving, reproducibility, and publishing. Together, they will discuss…

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