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September Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: Fall workshops
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences
  • Funder and Publisher News
  • In Case You Missed It 

August Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: Data sharing and publication
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences
  • Funder and Publisher News
  • In Case You Missed It 

May Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: Leaving Cornell? Document your research data!
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences
  • Funder and Publisher News

March Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: Collaboration Tools
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences

February Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: Love Data Week February 12-16
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences
  • Funder and Publisher News
  • In Case You Missed It 

January Research Data Newsletter (PDF)

  • Spotlight: New Year, New You (data management style)
  • Upcoming Webinars, Training, and Conferences
  • Funder and Publisher News
  • In Case You Missed It 




Publications and presentations

Wanda Marsolek, Sarah J. Wright, Hoa Luong, Susan M. Braxton, Jake Carlson, Sophia Lafferty-Hess. (2023) Understanding the value of curation: A survey of researcher perspectives of data curation services from six US institutions. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0293534.

Kozlowski, Wendy, Erica Johns, & Sarah J. Wright. “Open Scholarship: Open Science, FAIR Data: Navigating Compliance in an Evolving Open Scholarship Ecosystem” Open Access Week. Cornell University, October 26, 2023.

Wright, Sarah and Jamie Sprague. The New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy Requirements. Cornell OSP Roundtable. November 17, 2022.

Kopel, Matthew and Sarah Wright. Changes to Public Access to Federally Funded Research. CUL Open Access Week. October 28, 2022.

Morris-Knower, Jim, Gail Steinhart and Sarah Wright. Open Scholarship: Open Access, Open Science, Open Data. CUL Open Access Week. October 28, 2021.

Kozlowski, Wendy and Mark Hurwitz. Roundtable: Cornell’s Data Retention Policy. June 21, 2021.

2021 Cornell Day of Data: Scholarship through collaboration. January 27-28, 2021.

Kozlowski, Wendy and Sarah J. Wright. 2021.  Research Data Management Service Group 2019-2020 Report.

2019 Cornell Day of Data: Any person. Any study. Any data. Oct 15, 2019.

Darragh, Jennifer, Wendy Kozlowski, Anita de Waard and Michael Jones. 2018. Improving research data management interactions. Library Connect Webinar. May 10, 2018.

Darragh, Jennifer, Wendy Kozlowski, Reid Boehm and Jean Shipman. 2018. Improving the Quality and Quantity of RDM Interactions on Campus: Optimising UMAMI (Workshop). RDAP Summit. March 23, 2018.

Kozlowski, Wendy. 2018. Giving Them What They Want: Development of an Interactive Tool for Exploring Data Storage Options. RDAP Summit. Chicago, IL. March 21, 2018.

Kozlowski, Wendy. 2014. Building Collaborative Data Management Support at Cornell University. National Network of Libraries of Medicine’s “Doing It Your Way: Approaches to Research Data Management for Libraries” Data Symposium. New York, NY. April 28, 2014.

Kozlowski, Wendy. 2013. The Digital Research Lifecycle: Support and Engagement at Cornell University. American Library Association’s Public Service Directors of Large Research Libraries Discussion Group. Chicago, IL. June 30, 2013.

Kozlowski, Wendy, Sally Rumsey and Karen Smith-Yoshimura. 2013. Managing Research Data: From Goals to Reality. OCLC Research Library Partnership Webinar. May 14, 2013.

Kozlowski, Wendy, Dianne Dietrich, Gail Steinhart and Sarah Wright. 2013. Research Data in eCommons @ Cornell: Present and Future. Poster at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Baltimore, MD. April 5, 2013.

Steinhart, Gail. 2013. How can we help you? Institutional Support for Data Management Planning. Columbia University Research Data Symposium. New York, NY. February 27, 2013.

Kovari, Jason, Wendy Kozlowski and Danielle Mericle. 2012. Collaborative Service Models: Building Support for Digital Scholarship. Digital Library Federation Forum. Denver, CO. November 5, 2012.

Wright, Sarah. 2012. Connecting Researchers with Research Data Management Information. Poster at the University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian eScience Symposium. Worchester, MA. April 4, 2012.

Wright, Sarah and Wendy Kozlowski, 2012. Convergence: Integrating diverse perspectives to provide a single point of service. Poster at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. New Orleans, LA. March 22, 2012.

Steinhart, Gail, Eric Chen, Florio Arguillas, Dianne Dietrich, Stefan Kramer. 2012. Prepared to Plan? A Snapshot of Researcher Readiness to Address Data Management Planning Requirements. Journal of eScience Librarianship.

Steinhart, Gail. 2011. Institutional Support for Data Management Requirements. Presentation at the spring meeting of the Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation.

Block, Bill, Eric Chen, Jim Cordes, Dianne Dietrich, Dean Krafft, Stefan Kramer, Dave Lifka, Janet McCue, and Gail Steinhart. 2010. Meeting Funders’ Data Policies: Blueprint for a Research Data Management Service Group (RDMSG).

Recent news

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Ada Lovelace Day: Women in the Sciences Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

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