We offer consultations, workshops, and training year-round to help you gain data skills when and where you need them. For a broad introduction, consider exploring our guides to data management best practices for every stage of the research data life cyle; for a deeper dive check out the range of workshops, customized training, and free online content available to Cornell researchers.
Workshop Highlight: Open Scholarship Fall 2024

Open Scholarship includes open access, open data, open educational resources, and all other forms of openness in the scholarly and research environment, and can include practices like data sharing, preprints, open lab notebooks, and OA publishing alongside an emphasis on transparency, collaboration, and public access to research. This series will provide an overview of several tools and strategies for moving towards more open scholarship practices.
Thursdays this Fall at 9:30am. For all disciplines; attend all or a few.
More workshops and training
There are many opportunities to learn about data-related topics on campus and beyond, including:
- Training and workshops from campus partners
- Customized training
- Online training
Our range of policy, disciplinary and information technology experts can provide assistance and instruction on a variety of data topics, tools, and software. Learn more or contact us at data-help@cornell.edu to let us help you find the training you need!