Help for researchers with funding from other sources

As additional funders release information about data management and sharing requirements, we’ll continue to add and update information on this site. The links below are to funder-provided information related to data management for that agency.

Details and requirements vary greatly and we encourage you to contact us with questions about what needs to be done to meet data-related expectations.

Department of Commerce (DOC)

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Department of the Interior

Department of Justice (DOJ)

Department of Transportation (DOT): Public Access Plan (PDF) (Nov 2015) and Website

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): Plan for Public Access (PDF) (July 2015)

Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationData Sharing and IP Policy (Nov 2023)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS): Digital Stewardship Supplementary Information Form (PDF) (July 2018)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): NASA Plan for Increasing Access to Results of Federally Funded Research (PDF) (Dec 2014)

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA): Requirements described within program solicitations

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Smithsonian Institute (SI): Data Sharing Plan (PDF) (Aug 2015)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID): Open Data Policy ADS 579 – USAID Development Data (2015) and Open Data FAQ

Page last updated Jan 2025