
Cornell Data Services offers consultations, workshops, and training year-round. Our range of policy, disciplinary and information technology experts can provide assistance with a variety of data topics, tools, and software to meet your research needs.

Training and workshops from affiliate units

Many more workshops are offered on campus, and we can’t list them all – contact us at to let us help you find the workshop you need!

Customized training

We can also work with you to provide customized training for a class, project team, or department. Our consultants can facilitate a workshop or in-class instruction session on a variety of data topics, tools, and software to meet your research needs. Past offerings include:

  • Keeping a Lab Notebook
  • Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan
  • Getting Started with Open Science Framework (OSF)
  • How to Share and Publish Your Data

Free online training

The Cornell community gets free, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning’s online library of high-quality training videos featuring the latest software, creative, and business skills — over 11,000 online courses designed for all experience levels. Learn more.